AND AIR RIFLE CLUBabout our club|
Central Coast Small B bore and Air Rifle Club is situated within the Kariong Regional Shooting Complex on the Central Coast and has a long history of smallbore and air rifle shooting in the region. Our main shooting days are Sunday (benchrest), Tuesday (benchrest), Wednesday (air rifle) Thursdays (benchrest) and other days by arrangement.
Shooting usually starts about 7:30am and finishes around 10:00am.
There is parking on site as well as enclosed toilets.
We shoot in a social setting and our members come from all different walks of life across all different ages – young, old and in between. We keep scores, but as the saying goes, "we're not shooting for cattle stations" so most of our shoots are relaxed and having fun is important, but regular competitions are run.
Thinking of trying out our sport? We’re more than happy for you to attend one of our orientation days to get a feel for how it all works. We welcome new members.
The Kariong Complex is also home to other shooting clubs on the Coast such as:
Gosford District Rifle Club
Gosford District Pistol Club
Central Coast Muzzle Loading, Hunting & Sport Shooting Club
Our club is affiliated with New South Wales Smallbore and Air Rifle Association Inc.
and Target Rifle Australia.

OURshooting disciplines
Target Rifle

Target Benchrest requires a shooter to hit 20 individual targets on the same card (paper target), as close to or in the centre of the target as possible. To do this, the shooter’s rifle is supported on a bench with a front rest to hold the front part of the stock of the rifle and rear bag to hold the butt of the rifle. Scopes are required and are usually hi-powered, anywhere from 24x-60x magnification is common for a target rifle.
Once all 20 targets are completed, a score is given to each target, with a maximum score of 10 each target depending on the placement of the bullet. If the shooter hits the inner ring of the target, known as a centre this is also recorded as .1 centre.
A perfect score in benchrest with a target rifle on a NSWSARAI scorecard is therefore 200.20
Sporter Rifle

Sporter Benchrest requires a shooter to place groups of 5 shots, across 4 targets as close to the centre as possible to complete the detail. The shooter is also seated next to the bench with the rifle supported with front and rear rests. Sporter discipline has limits on modifications, including weight and magnification power of the scope.
Sporter discipline is a great way to get started with target shooting as the rifle is versatile enough to to be used in other areas such as hunting. Accuracy is harder to maintain because the limitations of sporter rifles and are not as precise as target rifles. They're also a cheaper option for beginners.
Air Rifle

Air Rifle is shot using a (.177 and .22cal) air propelled rifle, with many modern rifles using compressed air in a refillable gas chamber. At our club, air rilfe is shot from a seated position at 10 metres and 50 metres. It is scored similarly to benchrest and sporting disciplines.
Here are some frequently asked questions for people starting out and also some answers that seasoned shooters might want to know about our club.